Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J. K. Rowling
At last, the famed Harry Potter saga comes to an end with this seventh and final book, 'The Deathly Hallows'. For those who are familiar with the series, Harry's quest in this final book is to find and destroy the rest of the Horcruxes. These are artifacts in which Voldemort, Harry's and the wizarding world's arch-nemesis, has sealed parts of his soul. With little to no clues to start with, Harry has a hard and unrelenting quest laid out in front of him. A quest that will test not only his character, bravery, strength and endurance, but also a quest that will put to the test the mettle of those who are closest to him.
It is endearing indeed, if one would look into the past books and realize how much Harry has grown, in size and in character. Sprinkled with the spices that is the wizarding world, the Potter series is not only about plot twists and unanswered questions, but also a tale of a boy's coming of age. The journeys and the wonders of the wizarding world has shaped much of who's Potter now. Rowling tells a triumphant story of an ordinary boy in extraordinary circumstances.
Revelations abound in this final chapter of the saga. Answers revealed, plot twists unraveled. I give nod to Rowling's ingenious device in leaving many important questions unanswered ever since book 4, 5 and 6. Even though it sacrificed a small amount of satisfaction in reading these previous books (by leaving questions unanswered), this helps build the tension for the final book, as Harry's final journey will reveal to him answers revolving around the true intentions of important characters within the story and also around past events going as far as book 4 (Goblet of Fire).
Indeed, in my opinion, the Potter saga's first three books helped established Rowling's wizarding world's many wondrous workings, while Rowling kicked into full gear starting book 4 in establishing the foundation stones for the preparation of the grand finale that is Deathly Hallows. In other words, Rowling is clever.
Now, enough of analysis. Visit your nearest bookstore, buy this book (haven't read the rest of the books yet? Shame on you!), and enjoy this brilliantly-paced, roller coaster of a ride.
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