The people in my project had been planning to go there during the weekend for quite some time, get ourselves on the boat to arrive at the island-slash-volcanoes and ride horses to the top of one of the volcanoes and see the lake in the crater. Thanks to one reason or another (usually bad weather) the plan had always got cancelled. Until one weekend.
We finally managed to go there during the weekend (it was October 28th 2006, by the way). The slightly overcast sky bode ill to our plan for a boat ride and horse ride. True enough, not long after we arrived at our brunch place it started drizzling. However, the drizzle came and went and we decided to brave the element and try our luck (actually, someone decided and I just came along for the ride).
Someone up there must really love us because the sky became clearer during our boat ride and horse ride up the crater. Eventhough most of us got sore behinds and smelled like horse sweat when we got to the top of the crater, but the view along the way and at the top was quite breath-taking. In other words, the pain was worth it. And, it was a new experience for me so it was quite exciting. And scary. I have to admit that actually, there were moments during the horse ride where I held my breath to a combination of these factors: horse dung, fear of heights, breath-taking views, a steep climb, and my horse seeming not to like me sitting on its back. But that is exactly why it was fun.
High places and mountains always bring some sort of peace for me. Being away from the hassle and the busy-ness of cities and crowded places (which are usually located on lower planes) is always refreshing for me. So I was quite thankful for the opportunity to go to Tagaytay.

The weather held even as we went down from the crater and during our boat ride back to the shore. So, I would like to say "thank you" to that someone up there who loves us so much. The trip also provided me with the perfect opportunity to try my shiny new camera, ha ha ha. And all in all, the whole Tagaytay trip was a bundle of joy. I would also like to say thank you to those people who has helped make this trip possible and let mo come along for the ride. It was great fun.
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