Friday, December 19, 2008
Turning 30
Friday, November 14, 2008
Where's Wall*E?

Directed by: Andrew Stanton
Voiced by: Brent Burtt, Elissa Knight
I'm kinda late when it comes to watching this movie. It went on showing in theaters about a few months ago and I didn't go and see it (a terrible sin for a Pixar fan), and I only managed to grab a DVD copy about a week ago. Still, it was better than nothing. Big screen or a laptop screen, these don't matter when it comes to realizing how wonderful this movie is. For those who've seen it, I think most of 'em would agree (those who got brains and hearts) that this movie is simply amazing.
Alright, to make this review more than just oh-my-f***in'-god-this-movie's-so-goddamn-awesome-go-and-see-it-now-before-the-end-of-the-world-comes *pause, take deep breath* kind of review, I'll just try to elaborate a bit (even though those words are actually quite enough). I guess there's no questioning Pixar when it comes to their technical capabilities. The movie you will see (or have seen) shows how far they have gone when it comes to 3D imagery. Everything looks so real. The gritty, modern, industrial (and dirty) look of the world Wall*E inhabits are portrayed in stunningly realistic 3D graphic. And that's just the beginning.
How about the animation? Again, there's no questioning Pixar when it comes to creating animations that can connect to audience's emotion. And what is even more outstanding is the fact that they did it with a very minimum amount of dialogue (if you could call robot-speak dialogues, that is). They have managed to use mostly gestures to convey emotion, and by god Wall*E's indeed a very expressive and adorable character, even if he's only a garbage compactor robot. Count me in when it comes to voting Wall*E as Pixar's mascott. They really nailed it when they came up with the character of Wall*E.
Adding to the above factors is the story. This time around, Pixar's managed to come out with a story that is both about love and a certain environmental theme. And this time, they have successfully tell it without being preachy. So, the story it is (a preview, for those who's unlucky enough not to have seen this movie).
It is Earth in the future, and mankind has abandoned Earth to life in space thanks to the monstrous amount of garbage people have accumulated over time. Wall*E is perhaps the only garbage compactor robot still functioning on Earth and everyday he starts his routine by first collecting the energy he needs for the day from the sun. (and for Apple computer fans everywhere, you'll be familiar with the sound Wall*E emits after his energy level is full). Well, this garbage compactor robot has a quirky personality (or a malfunctioning code in his programming perhaps) and he (it?) likes to collect stuff that he regards as interesting (I must say it's amusing when he throws away a diamond ring in favor of the box where the ring was found...take that, bitches!). But, most of all, Wall*E is lonely. He must be, especially when you only have a roach as a companion. One day, a robot called EVE came to Earth to investigate something (I won't say what it is) and it was love at first sight. At least, for Wall*E. To make it short, let's just say things get interesting from then.
All of these things have been perfectly blended by the wizards in Pixar and the result is one of the best animated movie I have seen in my life. Now, can I say it? Can I? Can I? Whatever. OH MY F***IN' GOD THIS MOVIE IS SO AWESOME GO AND SEE IT NOW BEFORE THE END OF THE WORLD COMES *pause, take deep breath*. There. I've said it.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Rewind and Rewind

Movie Review
Be Kind Rewind
Director: Michel Gondry
Starring: Jack Black, Mos Def, Danny Glover
The movie started out a bit ho-hum when I watched it. A dying neighborhood; a pair of friends; an old VHS rental store owner, whose store is an old building where an old legendary Jazz player was born (a claim made by the store owner himself); and a plan to demolish and build new buildings. Put them together and you get yourself one of those we-have-to-do-something-to-save-
However, things got interesting when Jerry (Jack Black) accidentally wiped out all the VHS in the rental store thanks to his body's magnetic field. If you really have to ask why, well, you have to see the movie yourself. Let's just say that it involves an electrical power plant and a sabotage plan gone wonderfully wrong. Mike (Mos Def), realizing that he has to help Mr. Fletcher (Danny Glover) revive his dying business (and help correct things after Jerry's little accident), came up with a plan to re-record their own version of the movies. Jerry and Mike, armed with an old video recorder (VHS, mind you), set out to create their own home made videos. Little did they know that their 'sweded' version would garner a lot of followings (yeah, formulaic I know).
You gotta love the ideas they came up with! All the tools and special effects were home-made and a bit crappy, but you can't deny the charm they exude. And the 'sweded' version of Ghostbusters is simply adorable. Look out for the movie "Fats Waller" as well.
Great acting all around by Black, Mos Def, and Glover (special mention as well to Melonie Diaz who played Alma, a not-so-aspiring actress who got dragged into the whole mess). Black's charm is all over the place, and Mos Def's Mike perfectly complements the loud character of Black's Jerry. Ultimately, however, the movie's all about the joy of making movies. Once again, I could not say enough about the ideas they come up with while shooting the 'sweded' version. For people who appreciate and love the art of making movies, don't miss out on this one. And for those who love indie, don't hesitate to grab this one. It's got the feel of indie movie all over the place.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Spaces in Between...
In the US it didn't take long for me to feel that I belonged. By the time it came, however, it was time to come back to Manila. The feeling returned. The spaces in between began to fill in the gaps during the last week I was in Concord. I was not there and yet was not here either. It was time to go back, but not just yet. I was nowhere.
Now here I am going through the same thing again, temporarily living in an apartment that was assigned to a friend of mine (because I've been booted out of mine). My things are everywhere, and I lost my usual bit of habits and orderliness. I used to put my glasses there, my wallet over here, my handphone on that table, and I now that I moved room couldn't seem to find them anywhere.
I have one foot in the past, and the other about to cross that fine line between then and right now. The present. But it's not there yet. Not yet. I'm just in between the lines.
However, the spaces in between are still spaces. They are still places. And rather than letting it be a gap, I'm trying to fill it in with activities. There shall be more photos. There should be more posts. There should be just a few more good-byes to places that I like most. And there should be one more song to sing.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. But there will always be the spaces in between until then.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Signing Out of Olympic
2 years, 1 month and 8 days. That’s how long it’s been since I first set foot here in the Philippines. Time flies by, and before I know it, it’s time for me to leave. I could come up with a lot of cliches here, like “it’s been quite a journey", “what an experience!", “I have learned a lot!", “it’s been nice working with a team that has such and such kind of people with such and such kind of attitude.” etc. They will all be true. Yet they will never be enough to express what I truly feel and what I have truly learned from this period in my life.
To tell the truth, at this point in my writing, the above paragraph seems to be enough. Yet, for entertainment sake (and trying to avoid getting a tell off from CS from writing such a short entry), I’ll try to elaborate further.
September 3, 2006. My flight landed in Manila at about 6 PM. It was a fine Sunday evening. Unsure where I had to go and what I had to do to get myself safely in my apartment, I called Fanny up and ask for directions. Thank God they speak English. Soon enough I got myself on an airport cab and went on my way towards Somerset Olympia. My first apartment. Ever. And the company paid for it. Even though I would find out later that there were better apartments, I was already impressed with the fact that I got my own bedroom, my own living room, my own kitchen, my own walk-in closet (I didn’t even know they call it that until Dide told me about it), my own bathroom, and I didn’t even have to share it with anyone! (a luxury that I didn’t have in my own house). In retrospect, writing this made me realize that I should count my blessings.
The first 2 people that I saw was Fanny and Angel. They were getting ready to go to Fanny’s apartment in Fraser to cook dinner (It didn’t take that long for me to realize that there were better apartments). After that I saw Serene and CS. I still remember seeing CS when he came to Jakarta one early morning and ask me whether or not I could find him a meeting room. He talked so fast I was having a hard time understanding him. The man I saw that night looked slightly different (maybe it was the hair gel), but as soon as he spoke I knew it was the same person. Hendra, Adulwit and Justinus were there as well in Fraser when we had dinner.
Monday, September 4, 2006 came by. Fon and Pao was the first people I saw in the morning (I didn’t know their names and didn’t realize that they were in the same project until I got to the office). What follows after that is a flurry of activities and introductions that went by in a blinding speed of light. New building. New office cube. New office mates (have I mentioned that thank God they speak English?). A global team to boot. And most of all, a new set of work that I didn’t know anything about. I remember Arvin having a hard time trying to explain stuff to me. Thank God he speaks English.
In the coming months I get to know more about my project mates, about the nature of my work, about what typhoon level 3 means (a lot of broken-down billboards, apparently…and a lot of broken glasses, one in Fraser in particular, and the best thing was a day off from the office), about the fact that riding on horseback going up to Taal volcano wasn’t exactly a joy-ride, about Dampa (the old one, where they made me eat crab eggs and sing after a meal) and about a lot of other stuff that If I mention all of them here CS would have thrown up his hands in the air saying “I give up dude, I should have let you write a short one instead.”
I’m one a roll here, might as well get on with it!
Early 2007 was quite a tumultuous period for me. Work started to pile up, and the arrival of a person who…wait…should I even go there? Better not. But I suspect everyone knows who/what I’m talking about here. Skip. Sorry guys, if it weren’t for the fact that this entry is going to be a public consumption I would’ve gone and elaborate just for *beep* sake. Booooooo….Aaaaaaanyways…
I was (and hopefully still) a simple boy who grew up watching Hollywood movies one too many and had a dream of going to the US. Just because it’s the US (you know, like, you know, like, it’s the US…duh). And just because of one too many Hollywood movie. I pretty much thought my life’s dream impossible to attain ever since the economic meltdown and terrorism became a new trend. US Visa was not an easy thing to secure, and saying that terrorism didn’t help matters at all is quite an understatement.
That was why I was excited and pessimistic at the same time when I heard that they’re sending me to the US. Will I even get the Visa to begin with? It took awhile indeed, but thanks to some reference letters and the help of PH’s RMS, I finally got it! I can’t believe that I’m going to the US so early in my life. I really, really never thought my life’s dream would come true so fast *reminiscing now, with glassy eyes…*.
May, 2007. US was not what I think it was at first. When I woke up on the plane when it was about to land, I thought that it was morning. The sun was still high in the sky. When I realized that it was actually 7 PM, I knew then and there that I was truly in foreign land. Perhaps it was just the city where I was placed in ("Pleasant Hill"…when some of my friends heard the name they said that it sounded like one of those small cities you see in horror movies), but I felt so lonely and out of place. That feeling was exacerbated by the fact that during that time I…nah, won’t go there. San Francisco, now that’s a totally different story. I didn’t like the city at first. However, thanks to Angel and Jingson I saw the true beauty that is SF. I unashamedly admit that I have fallen in love with that city. She has soul. After 2 weeks or a bit more, I got used to the US and thanks to some friends who took me around, I got to see the better part of it.
One and a half month I spent my life in the US. Seemed so long, yet it ended too soon. I got one of my life’s dream came true so early, and there was this feeling of “is there anything more next in line for me?” Knowing life, sure there was. There were many more.
In the first year that I spent here in this project, I was not letting myself get used to the comfort of living here in Makati. I always thought that anytime soon this whole thing will end and I will have to go back to Jakarta. It would be wise not to let myself build any emotional ties with this place and the people. Alas, the project is not to end for another year and I’m only human and soon enough the inevitable happened. I got comfortable…
…which is something that, looking back, I should have done earlier. To make up for the loss of time I started traveling around the Philippines. Batanes was a wonderful place. I was totally blown away by how beautiful it was. It also marked the first time I went down financial hell thanks to an expensive hobby that I got myself into. Pinatubo was an exciting trip as well. Bohol-Cebu was a pleasant surprise. Those were the highlights, among other equally interesting places that I visited. I learned that I have to seize the opportunity to travel and get myself acquainted with a place every chance I have and appreciate the good points of the places I visited. I saw my mom going to places that in my opinion is not worth going, but she is always happy because it’s a place that she’s never been to. She’s right. We all live only once, and that’s saying a lot.
Emotional ties be damned, the human heart is resilient. We’ll get back on our feet somehow.
What about the project? Sure enough, I have learned a lot. Once again, I could come up with a lot of corporate cliches. But I’d like to save my breath on that one. The managers could come up with better words than I could ever come up with. And I would agree to most (if not all) of them. Serene has also pretty much sum it up nicely when it comes to the general strong points of each countries’ members/community (see below entry titled “My Final Entry"). But no matter how diverse people could be, I found out that in the end they’re still people. There are some basic things that you just couldn’t change. That no matter the skin color, the language, the traditions, they’re people, they’re human and they’re basically the same. I need not elaborate further. Oh yeah, thank God that most of them speak English.
In the end, I am grateful.
Grateful of the new friends I met here.
Grateful of the old friends who still stick around even though I’m away.
Grateful of the new lessons I learned.
Grateful of the old lessons that I need to learn again.
Grateful of a lot of things that will make this list unbearable to human eyes.
Ah…there’s just so many things I could talk about here and so many more names that I should mention…but any more than this the entry will be too long and lose it’s true meaning (moreover, it might make the reader fall asleep before they even reach the last sentence). The first impression always lingers the most, and that I have taken care of. For everything else that went after, let there be gaps. Fill it in yourself with rumors, gossips, old news, new news, myths, legends, or what have you. Some things are better left unsaid. And some things are better said in a different blog entry.
Time to move along. Even though I’m going back to Jakarta, the Jakarta I knew 2 years ago was a different creature than what it is right now. It’s exciting to know that there will always be something new just around the corner. You could never know what kind of chocolate you’re getting until you open up the box. Just open up your wings and let the winds of life carry you away to unknown places. We all live only once.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just a lazy, unproductive week...
I like it when it didn't have to take that long.
A streak of sunlight passed through small openings in the drapes and the window cover in my bedroom. I did not want to know what time it was. It was morning, and I would have to go to the office. That was all I needed to know. But I took my time. I still would like to be covered by the bed covers. Office could wait, it was the end of the world. It was not the end of the world as well.
The whole week went by quietly. There were some pleasant moments to be remembered, but these were not during office hours. Office was like a blur, like seeing outside the window of a fast-moving car. I did not even try to open the window and feel the rushing wind caressing my hair. I just wanted to get there. Everyday. Just there. But not here.
Damn, I'm out of practice with this thing.
I know that I got a lot of homework. Batanes (the Asian place that is not so Asian, geographically-speaking), Vietnam (the land of Honda motorcycles), Bohol and Cebu (where tourism is governed and administered almost as if it's a communist country and where the fish are friendly), and other stuff as well. I guess it'll be awhile until I get myself up and running with this.
All I want, right now, is to just lie down, sleep, wake up and realize that I would like to go to sleep again, wake up and eat if necessary, and go back to sleep. All of those without even feeling the slightest guilt. Gah.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Bad Apartment Mojo
The bed was moving left and right.
By itself.
There was another tiny spooky detail that me and my room mate experienced just recently. Yesterday night, after we had dinner, me and my roomie went back to the apartment. We had a little chat in the living room and he said that he's been waking up around the same time, which was 3:30 AM, for 2 nights in a row. Before he woke up, he experienced what many Indonesians would call 'ketindihan'. It's like you're awake and fully aware, but you can't open your eyes, you can't move your hands, your feet, your whole body. It's as if something has taken over it. After struggling, you would finally be awake but your heart would be beating real hard. Told him that maybe 'something' was trying to make fun of him.
Last night, I slept in the same room with him. However, even though I did not experience 'ketindihan', I did wake up at 3:30 AM.
The room was bone-chilling cold, and the hair in the back of my neck stood up. I felt something standing next to my side of the bed (but I couldn't, or maybe didn't, want to 'see' it). Afraid that I might eventually see it, I covered my face inside my blanket and tried to sleep again. Not easy, since I felt the onset of 'ketindihan' soon after that, but finally managed to fall asleep again.
Ya know, maybe this has some logical, scientifical explanation. That maybe my roomie has been very tired these past couple of days and that 'ketindihan' was just a side effect of being really tired. But we both knew that he hadn't been coming home late from work these days, and that he hadn't been that tired compared to a couple of weeks before. As for my waking up at 3:30 sharp, that could be explained by the fact that maybe I was sort of anticipating it to happen after hearing my roomie's story. Kind of an interesting coincidence that I managed to wake up at 3:30 sharp if that was the case. Then again, waking up at 3:30 sharp happened to me a lot, even when I was still in Jakarta. Internal body clock, perhaps? But why 3:30?
Well, logical or not, it made for some interesting story.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Take Control
Director: Timur Bekmambetov
Starring: James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie
Went to watch this movie with no high expectations. Only remembered some parts of the trailer, the most memorable one being where the main character shot a bullet that curved around Angelina Jolie's face and hit the bull's eye right behind her back. Thought it was going to be just another cheap Hollywood movie that's cashing in on the whole bullet-time effect made famous ever since the first Matrix movie. With a few twist, of course (pun intended).
Story's bout one Wesley Gibson (McAvoy), a loser in every possible way. Bullied by his boss, scolded by his cheating girlfriend (who's cheating with his best friend, to add insult to injury), he's leading the mundane life of a, well, loser. And, yes one could see it coming a mile away, things change and he suddenly realizes (forcefully brought to that realization, to be exact) that he has a great legacy and a talent that will lead him to a different path in life. With the help of Sloan (Freeman) and Fox (Jolie), he learns to make full use of the unique talent he has.
There's nothing much in terms of acting, and I don't really know how faithful this adaptation is to it's original graphic novel material. This movie is, after all, an action movie. At the very least in this aspect the movie delivers. Unrealistic is an understatement when it comes to the physics of the action (curving bullet? C'mon...), but then again it would not be much fun if there's no twist in it (pun intended, again). More than adequate special effect, intense shoot-out scenes, and an over-the-top car chase scene deliver the action aspect of the movie very well.
Another aspect of the movie that I'm quite taken by is the story and the plot. I am not familiar with the source material, but I have to say that the producers did a good job of putting the story together. Narration by the main character works well to deliver continuity and sense. And I have to say that I'm impressed that the people who came up with the story manage to deliver a very powerful yet subtle message regarding life, fate, destiny, religion and free will.
In the end, I would like to quote what the main character Wesley Gibson say: "Six weeks ago I was ordinary and pathetic, just like you. Who am I now? Account manager? Assassin? Just another tool who was mind fucked into killing his father. I am all of these. I am none of these. Who am I now? This is not me fulfilling my destiny. This not me following in my fathers footsteps. This is definitely not me saving the world. This *is* me taking control, from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janis, billing reports, ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack of shit best friends. This is me taking back control of my life. What the fuck have you done lately?"
He's DA Man.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The One Where I Yet Again Did Not Get Proper Sleep for More Than 12 Hours Straight

40 minutes my ass...
All in all, it was quite an exciting journey (and a rather sleepy and tiring one as well, considering the time that we had to start traveling and the time we finally got there). Sleepy and exhausted, we went back to where the off-roaders were parked and headed back to our cars. Stopped several times along the way for some photo ops. Now that the sun was up, we only realized then how barren and dusty the off-road track was. After getting back to our cars, we drove off and had lunch in a mall in a nearby town, and headed off to an aeronautic festival (within the same town) with the intention of catching the hot air balloon show and snap some pics. No such luck. It was a windy day and it was deemed rather risky to fly the hot air balloons.
It's not hard to imagine what I did when I got back to my apartment (hint: the sound effect should sound like "zzzzzzzz").
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The Longest Weekend
Had a long conversation with Ma back home through the telephone. Was telling that I might be pulling an MIA on her during the weekend (in other words, I might not be returning her messages). After talking bout lots of stuff with her, I got myself ready to go to the office. Brought a pack of Nescafe Ice coz I know I'd be needing 'em, along with my med bag just in case the whole validation/reconciliation process would be giving me headaches or other medical maladies.
Show started at 12 midnight on that Friday night/Saturday morning. The early data prep and early reconciliation/validation took me about 6 hours to complete. After testing, identifying potential issues, and sending the necessary e-mails I went back to the apartment to get some needed sleep. The best I got was 2 hours. Woke up feeling slightly refreshed (better than nothing, right?) I went back to the office at around 12 noon on that Saturday. While waiting for the other team to clean up their mess, I decided that picking up DVDs might not be such a bad idea after all. Went out the the nearby mall and got myself an original season 1 of the HEROES series. It was worth it.
It took quite awhile for the other team to finish up cleaning their mess, and the next part of my show could only start just around 9 pm and we were already behind schedule. What followed was a hectic period of data transformation, validation, and load preparation that got me working non-stop for almost 12 hours until Sunday morning. Good thing I got some nap in the clinic while waiting for the other team to finish. Since we felt that it was not necessary for us to baby-sit the loading program, me and my boss went back to the apartment to get some more nap. This time I got close to 4 hours.
When we went back to the office after the 4-hour nap, we realized how much of a bad idea it was not to baby sit the loading program. Some smart @$$ decided to update the authorization, and the list of users did not include the user ID I used to load my data. Suffice to say that the whole fiasco translated to my waiting for the program to re-load and waiting for my counterpart in the US to say that everything was okay, that everything was loaded correctly. I ended up going home 3 AM Monday morning.
Definitely the longest weekend I've ever had...
Sounds like torture, right? Well, it was not completely without fun. Far from it. Aside from the work-related element, the mission control people had thought of other stuff as well. Well, they set up a projector connected to the Wii in the pantry. Wild, excited yelling and screaming could be heard during Saturday midnight (Wii Boxing was the culprit) and on Sunday afternoon there was a karaoke session in the mission control, courtesy of one of the project member (she has this magic mic thing that was the rage in the Philippines, just plug the microphone to a TV and you're all set: the songs are all recorded within the microphone).
And then there were the Heroes DVDs and my MacBook...Not bad after all...
I didn't go to the office on Monday. Like, hell, no way...But I must say aside from the long hours, I must admit that I did enjoy myself. But I didn't expect the whole "not-getting-proper-sleep-for-more-than-12-hours" business would repeat itself in the next weekend, though this time it was of a more enjoyable nature.
More on that later.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
"Not a Good Bye Letter," They'd Say...
It has indeed been awhile since that post about a weekend sleep over. A lot has indeed happened to our family (I'll be calling it 'outfit' or 'group' in this post from time to time) since that time. Dodski has rolled off the project, as well as El Pipil (though their spirit and legacy are still with us until this very day...
...Dodski's PS2 memory card and some of El Pipil's socks and shirts, to name a few...). And then there has been additional members and as we go along our group has become one big family. Let us now take a look at the original participants along with many of the new ones...
Mul is still the straight guy, though he's learned to deliver a punch line here and there (he needs more practice though, something that is getting a bit rare since El Pipil hasn't been around), he even managed to make fun of me once in awhile. A good effort indeed. (Mul, I'm gonna get back at you, mark my words). True to his name as well (that is, the 'straight' guy), he works STRAIGHT into the night. There were many times when I only see him in the morning and not before I go to bed. Many times, me and El as room mate worried about his well-being, but as long as we're still seeing that big ear-to-ear smile on his face (complete with a perfect set of white teeth and sprinkles of pimples here and there), I guess he's fine. Special note for Mul: his Microsoft Access skills has helped me come out of tough spots every now and then. Thanks again, Mul! You're such a great help!
When it comes to going home late, I guess I speak for everyone when I say that Fan2 is the reigning champion (although I suspect that Mul is about to take over that title from her anytime soon). Customer master team would be completely debilitated if she was not around and one would often find her still sitting in her cube in the office, back straight, staring into the monitor until late at night. Everyday. Well, almost. She even went as far as decorating her cubicle with her favourite stuffed animals and a lot of Powerpuff Girls figurines. The reason? Because she wants to feel at home in the office. A claim that, aside from being rather contradictory in nature(they call it 'home' or 'office' for an apparent reason) has, in some way, disturbed many of us here in the project (me included). She also could not be relied upon to arrive on time at parties held on normal working days. Regardless, this woman of slightly petite stature and whose sitting posture is probably the best I've seen so far, has experienced her share of entertainment as well. Many of us here would probably remember the period when a rumor was circling around about her presumed romantic involvement with El Pipil. That was one of the more interesting times in the project.
Fan2's room mate, Ro, was once earlier in the project's been given the title of being my ex-wife. Long story. Anyways, she's well known to have a lot of luck when it comes to lucky draws. A very calculating person, you can consider yourself lucky if you have her around to help you haggle with the local pearl hawkers in places like Market Market! or Greenhill (the same goes for any other business deal that involves money). I'm willing to bet that having her around can net you a better deal than going to any discount shops (either that or she can at least point you to the best discount shop around). Aside from her prowess in getting the better deal around (a skill that is seconded by the ninja of the group, more on that later), she also shows a knack in cooking more-than-decent meals and has of late shown a considerable interest in the field of photography.Ro's good companion, a lady by the name of Diang, was originally a breakfast buddy/dinner buddy/whenever-I-feel-like-snacking buddy for me early in the project. She's also quite a good cook, though she would put cheese in some meals that don't commonly include cheese. But they turned out to be quite good. That or maybe I was just so hungry at the time. Many people got caught unaware by her seemingly well-mannered exterior. Inside lies a girl full of mischief and many fell victim to her comic acts (this is very true to the group's ninja, Mul, and also Ro). Due to work-related matter, I must say that I rarely see her joining us during weekend outings. She'd often opt instead to stay in her apartment and get lots of rest. And, maybe, finish one of her many jigsaw puzzles that she collects here. This is probably trivial, but she shares the same funny laughing sound as her older brother, who I got acquainted with during my college days. I suspect that her brother also shares many of her comic antiques.
Awing's still the ninja of the group, disappearing at times when least expected. However, since his techniques are getting more familiar now that we've been together for quite a long time, it's not hard to notice the signs (restlessness, unfocused eyes, etc.) that usually show up before the disappearance. This time he just might need that smoke bomb. His storm-bringer jujitsu technique, however, is still as potent as ever. The ninja, moreover, has unleashed/acquired several new useful skills such as: the womanizer skill (still in development, but I suspect that he's getting there), currency exchange tricks skill, getting-cheap-airfare-and-accommodation-price-for-all-our-FTA-needs skill, and many more useful ones. Thanks to him, we're going to HK late Feb and our FTA's been maximized to the fullest.
The ninja, however, has recruited an apprentice. Pet2, another addition to our outfit (if memory serves me right, he came during my 'disappearance' into the US), has been spending a lot of time together with the ninja-extraordinaire (they went to church together many times, seen walking together many times, etc.). However, in my opinion, Pet2 has more of a flair that makes him more suited to be a samurai warrior. He always make sure that his arrival is noted, has a loud voice, and at least I know when he's not in the room anymore (without looking) because the room would suddenly become quiet. He shows all the enthusiasm of a samurai warrior facing a duel to the death (lots of screaming and yelling), and though it is irritating at times, one just can't not appreciate the pure and innocent eagerness he so often displayed.
Talking about rolling off, this is probably old news, but Dodski rolled off when I was in the US and soon after he had a baby. His first. So, congratulations to Dodski for his birth into fatherhood. I'd like to repeat what a billboard ad here in the Philippines says: that when a baby is born, two parents are born. Aside from the definite increase in expenses, I can safely say that this brings him an infinite sense of joy. So, again, congratulations to Dodski and wife Iwed. I am happy for the both of you. And yes, your PS2 memory card is coming your way, rest assured. Are you already bored with your kid, dude?
There was this time when I had to leave for the US (Dodski rolled off during this time), living there for a month and a half (an outstanding experience there, a lot of feelings were involved, but this has made a different man out of me, a better one I sincerely hope) and there were probably a thing or two that I missed during that absence, aside from Dodski rolling off (Dince, Adoy, and I think Nova, came to the outfit during this time, among others...). But their spirits were always with me when I was there, just contained in a different time zone. Which means that I usually stayed up late just to be able to chat with some of my friends back home. Anyways, this material is for a different post.
Moving on...
Yeah, after that one and half month, I finally returned to Manila and was assigned to a corner cubicle with a fine view of the city of Makati and beyond (and a huge amount of people traffic going into and out of the pantry, something that I rather disliked unless the person walking by happened to be a human of the opposite sex with a certain adequate amount of appeal). One of these traffic culprit turned out to be a new addition to the outfit, a person by the name of Dince. I didn't notice it at first, but after a day or two of my return to Manila I started hearing a person walking by uttering the word 'Arsoy!' every now and then. This happened to be a nick name that she unceremoniously gave me, a nick that for no apparent reason I didn't like at all at first. But you know how it is, sooner or later you'll just give it up and accept it. Turned out I was not the only victim, so I guess I'm cool with that (Believe me when I say that Dince has butchered a lot of decent, good-sounding names).
This new sugar cube addition to our bitter coffee garnered a huge amount of following in the coming months, due to said appeal level shooting off the roof. If a certain project member that I knew more than well enough were still present, a celebrity war would have probably ensued (and I would probably be unwillingly caught in the middle). In any case, gossips were passed around, jokes were made, and many more wink wink hint hint. A person by the initial of JM and HR (among others) came into the picture and the whole thing became more and more saucier by the day. She was not almost famous. She WAS famous (Din, if you're reading this, try not to let your head hit the ceiling, unless right now you're having one of those blonde moments).
Another sugar cube, Merce, also came into the outfit. This one is really an interesting creature. Her reasonings might not be sound oftentimes, and she has shown a lot of signs and behaviors that point to the possibility that she might be suffering from a mild case of OCD (Merce, have you look OCD up in the dictionary?). Putting her together along with the other two sugar cubes can create a cacophony of strange sounds and a whole lot of entertainment in its own way. Let's just say that it's always a riot seeing them together. On top of that, they put them in the same apartment unit. All I can say for the rest is that it's up to your imagination.
Dince became one of my on-and-off lunch mate (she's available when she's not being dragged away by one of her avid fans), and so was Adoy. He was also one of Dince's victim of unceremonious nickname-giving whose nick happens to rhyme with mine. Another interesting member of the outfit who has a penchant of being 'cunihin' (a word in Indonesian which means...well, let's just say that he has some 'funny' ideas inside his head and is not afraid to say it out loud), Adoy certainly contribute a certain element of much-needed wackiness into the outfit. A good lunch mate as well, who likes to award himself with a collection of Tintin comic books and an electric guitar. Let us see whether he'll be fretting that guitar often.
Supernova (I am SO giving him too much credit by calling him this name) is another addition to the outfit that I, ashamed to admit, could not write too much about. This is due to the fact that he often locked himself up in his apartment room and could only be coaxed to go out by his mate Adoy. I've also heard that he flirted with a couple of high-profile persons of the opposite sex. I was myself a witness of one such occasion, when he was seen walking along with a lady by the initial of MDG. I am sure that there were many other occasions, but I myself could not glimpse more that one such occasion (described above) since another office relocation ensued and I found myself (and many of my team members) moved from our perfectly fine office (and in my case, a great corner cubicle with an excellent view of the city) in RCBC building to a building named 6750. Well, it seems that I do know a thing or two about Supe. Oh yeah, he bought a bass guitar as well to complement Adoy's electric guitar. True mate. I'm pretty sure there will be more about him that I can write about in the future. Probably more things involving Adoy and some high-profile ladies.
The relocation to 6750 has really brought some significant changes. But one of the things that I missed dearly about the old office (aside from that nice corner cubicle) is our much looked-forward-to (for me, at least) late afternoon coffee/smoking session. This usually took place on an open-air section of the 4th floor located on an area between the two towers in the RCBC building complex. The regulars were usually me, Dodski, El Pipil (these two smoke like trains), Johnny (an avid fan of Starbucks), Put2, and sometimes Mul (this didn't happen often, though). Good memories, here. I also remembered one memorable time when I misplaced my ID card (that thing costs a fortune) here in this place. I searched as far as the restaurant across the street where I had lunch that day, but finally found it there because we went there straight after lunch.
An obvious advantage in relocating to 6750 was its strategic location. There's a bigger variety of restaurant to choose from during lunch hour because 6750 is located just across the street from a big shopping mall called Glorietta. Before El rolled off I didn't usually go to lunch there, but opted instead to go back to the apartment to enjoy his trademark home-cooked anchovies with nuts ('teri kacang' we call it in Indonesian) made by his mom back in Indonesia. But there was only so much anchovies. Somewhere along the way Dince, Adoy, Harry became my regular lunch buddies. Since mall crawling is sort of my thing, after lunch I usually ended up walking around Glorietta - Greenbelt with Dince (and sometimes with the other guys as well, when they didn't feel like going back to the office at 1 o'clock sharp), the resident celebrity extraordinaire. I would offer my advice on things she should choose to buy, while enjoying the companionship because mall crawling on your own is just not fun. So, I have Dince to thank for a lot of after-lunch mall-crawling sessions.
El Pipil has contributed a lot as the mastermind of many of our events. His rolling off the project at the end of December 2007 made me feel that I am losing a worthy comrade and a pretty good entertainer (a sentiment that I'm pretty sure I share with many others involved in the project...and also my driver). The project video, to name a few, has a lot of his fingerprints all over it. Another event that is worthy of mention was the Release 1 Go-Live celebration where all of the Indonesians (except for me, who was in Bangkok at the time) presented a collaboration of Indonesian dance and music. The performance was critically acclaimed (always wanted to say these words), and it made us proud of being Indonesians. Thanks to Dince for her contributions in the dance lessons, and also Johnny for the music-related elements needed in the preparation of the event (Adoy finally had the chance to fret his guitar and actually doing it in front of an audience in this event) and El Pipil who has contributed in providing batik pants.
Like a good family, or any kind of outfit anywhere, we were lucky to have good folks to look over us. Our Indonesian managers and senior managers have been great 'parents' and friends for us all. They have taken good care of us, being parents when we need 'em to be, and be our friends when we need 'em to be. And, boy, when they get down, they REALLY get down. A quick roll call...
Indra's like the calm, serious father to us all. Maybe because he's the eldest among us. He's also fun to joke around as well, although people who don't know him better might be a bit reluctant to do so. Though he might seem serious most of the time (first time I saw him long ago before this project he was reading a book about Malcolm X) I think he's got his fun side with him as well (during cut-over weekend I saw him popping in Led Zeppelin's 'Mothership' into his laptop and started jamming). Riny would have probably looked like the right mother figure if not for her oft-occurring wackiness and clueless-ness. Let's just say that it's easy to lead her astray with incorrect information ('gampang dibohongin', even Dodski managed to fool her). But that's what makes her adorable. Johnny's fun to be with, and when he's passionate about something, he'd show it. He's got a tremendous talent in music, and (like many people in this project, including me) has great love for gadgets (and other things that boys much younger than his age shows much interest in). We suspect that he's currently undergoing his second puberty.
And then we have Harry. Harry's just...indescribable. You just have to be here to experience the Harry-ness. This guy's like wacky, silly, serious, I don't know how to explain it. He's just something. A real piece of work. And that's saying A Lot (yes, with capitals, they are not typos). Anthony's the perennial bullying big brother. He's got this I-don't-give-a-**** attitude about him that, well, sort of makes him who he is. He and Harry trade jokes and rebukes at each other oftentimes. But they were all good-spirited. Well, Bob (Anthony's well-known nickname from the olden days) certainly has his own distinct appeal. Jevros, who happens to be my new career counselor (he replaced miss Young), has his own way of being wacky and he definitely has a lot of confidence when it comes to his looks and body frame (an often misplaced confidence) but I guess that's what makes him...Jevros. Looks like being his counselee will be quite an interesting thing indeed. Just a bit of a worthy sidenote: his wife happens to be going to the same faculty as I did during college. We never said a word to each other back then but we met again in Manila, out of all places. Small world indeed. Finally, there's the newly appointed manager Justinus. The guy can be too serious at times...but he's been giving in to the craziness around him, which is a good thing. I mean, you can't survive this world without being a little bit crazy.
While these might not be from Jakarta office, but they are Indonesians and they have certainly become some sort of permanent guest stars in our family/outfit. Thus, they deserve to be mentioned. There's Pinky, one of the highest-ups in the project. This guy has a penchant for visiting Japan and buying a whole collection of various gadgets. Though he looks business-like most of the time, don't be fooled! Aside from a boat-load of gadgets, this guy has an always-up-to-date catalog containing the latest project-members-related gossips, gossips that some people might have yet to hear. It's just amazing. Well, maybe it's part of his informal 'job description' as project manager. Don't be fooled by Hendra Lauw's small frame. This little guy packs a whole lot of punch. And a trunk full of photography equipments. The guy's good at this, and you can witness it at his website. And considering how crazy most of us are whenever there's a photographer around ('banci foto'), he definitely got his work cut out for him whenever most of us are around. Last but not least there was Luis Kristianto, a guy who's not shy when it comes to spending his money. One only has to look at the clothes he wears, the watch on his wrist, the shoes he's put on, and you know this guy has style (and a s***load of money). But we love him (not because of his money) because he's such a cool, easygoing guy, and the guy's so proud of being Indonesian. He's also the guy who was responsible for my 'accidental' gig during one Christmas party in 2006. After that I kept hearing the word "artist!" being thrown around by him whenever I walked passed him. He is missed after he rolled off.
Last but not least, let's not forget the wonderful spouses and children. Many of us Indonesians here bring their family members along for the ride. So we also have the wives and kids in our big and loving family. They've spent a lot of time together with us on project or non-project-related events. And the children are just wonderful (like all children are wonderful): the shy and careful Nina; the curious and rather flirty Ai Ai; the noisy, racuous, slightly hyperactive Joel and Hanif, the rather strong-willed Mutia; and sweet Nila. They've added a different and pleasant color to the whole group, and has gathered for themselves many ad-hoc, unpaid, baby sitters (when the baby sitters were not baby-sitting any SAP program, that is).
All right... Have I got everyone in?
Oh well, many good memories abound, but before this post gets too long let me just go back to the initial opening. Like I've said before, a beginning has to have an end, because another new beginning needs to start.
To celebrate the end of Dince and Put2's involvement in the project, we held a small get together in Fraser on the night of January 31st 2008 (their last day in the project). The whole thing was arranged by Johnny, and was supposed to be some sort of a surprise party (which in the end come as no surprise to the two ladies). Even though the surprise element didn't exactly work out the way it was intended to be (the blame is partly on me as well), but we all did get together and had ourselves a lot of fun. The real kicker was probably when Johnny asked us all to go to the swimming pool for a bit of a photo shoot session. As to be expected, the supposedly photo shoot session turned out to be a push-people-to-the-pool session where almost everyone got wet in many ways (pool-water-wet, coca-cola-wet, mango-cake-wet, bottled-water wet, egg-wet, you know, the routine). It was a memorable celebration, and it showed how much of a family we've become and how our rolling-off (and rolled-off) members will be (and are already) missed.
By the time this entry reach this point, the plane's taken off, and another milestone in our project has been reached (more on that later). I'm sitting here in my apartment on a fine Tuesday morning (contemplating whether or not I should go to work after almost 48 hours of non-stop data loading during the weekend) thinking about how interesting it's been for all of us for the last 1 year and 5 months (interval varies between individuals, this one's mine).
Well, life goes on, I guess. And I'm sure that there will be more interesting times ahead.
So, I dedicate this post to those who are about to roll off/have just rolled off the project (Put2 and Dince), who's about to start a completely new endeavor (good luck, Put2), those who have already rolled off the project for some time (Dodski, El Pipil, and Kris), and finally, to more interesting times ahead of all of us. Thanks for the memories, and good luck in the future. We shall meet again.
Yes, Dodski, your memory card is coming (if not already).
Pil, do you still want your socks?
(Picture gallery can be found by clicking this link)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Come, good sir, care for a shave? I shall give you the closest shave you'll ever have... >:)"

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Directed by Tim Burton
Johnny Depp; Tim Burton; B-movie-like title; musical; a set of deadly sharp razor blades, (and, perhaps, Sacha Baron Cohen of 'Borat' fame) you could probably tell from these things that this is going to be a very interesting movie. And interesting it definitely is. Excellent, even.
First, let us begin with the story. Sweeney Todd was once Benjamin Barker (Depp), a simple barber living an ordinary life with his wife Lucy and his baby daughter Johanna. A judge by the name of Turpin (Alan Rickman, who's probably well known for his role as Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series) desires Barker's wife and using his influence he sentences Barker on a false charge. Many years after his exile to Australia he returned to London, only to find out from Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter) that terrible things have happened to his family while he was away. Burned by hatred, Barker (now Todd), armed with his beloved razor blades, vows revenge on Turpin and humanity in general.
As a musical, let's just say that the sound of music won't be the thing that will leave the most lasting impression in your mind when you finish watching this movie. Not saying that the music is not good. The musical scores are nothing short of excellent, and the actors' and actresses' performance will keep you entertained. Depp turned out to be quite the adequate singer, and Helena Bonham Carter delivered an excellent performance. Acting-wise, it's Depp. Keep in mind, though, that this is not Jack-Sparrow-Depp, and that this is a Tim Burton's movie. Look forward to more of the melancholic, Edward-Scissorhand-Depp, but darker and more sinister. Cohen sounded a lot like his Borat persona, though oddly enough, it worked out quite well. His performance in this movie, though short (but not terribly so), is quite commendable. As for Alan Rickman, well, he's always a pleasure to see. I must say that I'm quite impressed with Timothy Spall's performance as well (another cast coming from the Harry Potter series: he played Peter Pettigrew, or better known as Wormtail) in this movie as Beadle Bamford, Judge Turpin's right-hand man.
As far as the story goes, well, for the sake of being hyperbolic, let's just say that I can see the plot coming from TWO miles away. It's pretty predictable. The main focus of the movie (aside from it being a musical and the dark and sinister story), however, is in its over-the-top violence. You will see blood in this movie. And you will see them a lot. The violence is so over the top that you'll have a hard time deciding whether or not you want to cringe or laugh out loud, or probably do both at the same time. Everytime Todd picks up a razor blade, my hands instinctively gripped the cinema seat's hand rests.
The movie has all the feel of a Tim Burton movie. The dark, dreary, and brooding colors; dark, brooding, and sinister characters; a generous helping of dark humours here and there, what more could you ask? Well, from a strictly utilitarian point of view, this movie is definitely not a date movie. So don't bring your girlfriends along. As for the girls, it might not be such a bad idea to bring your boyfriends to this movie, but maybe they will raise an eyebrow if you initiate such bold endeavour. Oh yeah, make sure you didn't have too much meal before you watch this movie.
Personally, after seeing this movie I shall never bare my neck to a barber. Never did, and never will. Oh, and meat pie is definitely out of my diet.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Looking at Fear's Ugly Face

My fear of heights. Of falling. Of dying.
As I sat there on the bench looking up at that wall, at my friends scaling it, I recalled events that happened almost 8 years ago during college. Fresh in my early twenties, I just got off a potentially deadly traffic accident. I was unscathed, and the car only sustained minor damages. If things were only an inch different (or a second too early, a second too late, a heartbeat away), I'd probably have said good bye to this life 8 years ago. But that was not the case, and at the time I suddenly felt invincible.
It might be considered foolish, but I felt as if I could face anything. Thus, I chose to go do some outdoor activities. I was always wondering whether or not I could survive out there. At the time in my campus there's this nature lover group that was recruiting new members, and it was probably easy to guess that I signed up for it. To be accepted, we have to go through this initiation process where we have to try every routine activities they had back then (camping, rock climbing, kayak-ing, cave exploration, rafting, SAR simulation, survival in nature, etc.). Before the initiation activities we had to learn all the necessary skills in theory classes that our seniors had set up (tying knots, setting up camps, packing your bags, etc.).
I only realized that we were in for a rough time when they told us that we need to carry our at-least-15-kg-heavy back packs all the time. It was not such a good idea after all, I thought to myself.
I could not back out of it. I was already in too deep, backing out would make me feel like a wimp for the rest of my life. However, something was pulling me back so hard at the time, telling me that going was a really bad idea. Maybe it was the idea of leaving the comfort of proper civilization that was pulling me back. Maybe it was my sudden lack of confidence. Anyways, when I tried that heavy bag on I knew that it was not going to be easy. But, like I said, I was in too deep and I felt that there were no other choices.
One by one my friends started to climb that wall, and my mind took me back to a night so long ago when I was sleeping along with the other would-be members of the nature-loving group. We set up camp under a cliff that night, a cliff that some of my friends were assuming we would be climbing the next day. Turned out that it was not, but the cliff I climbed was somewhere near. This is where I faced my biggest fear. Rock-climbing has always been one of the items in my list of things I would probably never do in my life due to my fear of heights. I remembered how scared I was that day, how frustrated my seniors were from trying to tell me to go ahead and give it a try anyways. Finally, I put my right hand on the first grip that I could find and started climbing. The cliff was not hard to climb, in all truthfulness, as there were a lot of grip points. My biggest challenge was facing my fear of heights and of falling. My energy was mostly taken away just to muster up courage to pull myself up ever so slowly. Halfway my senior yelled from the ground and told me to yell the group's name. Took awhile to tore my eyes from looking at the cliff face and looked down. It came out more like a whisper than a yell...
They told me to yell again when I finally got on top. It came out okay, but felt a little held back. I knew that it was not over.
Looking at a friend hitting the wall when he was being belayed down snapped me back to the present. When he finally came back to solid ground I told him to...
"Use your feet to break your impact against the cliff face!" My senior from the ground below yelled at me as I attempted to rapple down the cliff face. I was hugging the cliff face using my knees, afraid to let go and afraid of the heights. I kept telling myself that I would have to go down, there's no other way to avoid it. After some time, slowly I gathered my courage and using both my feet I propelled myself against the cliff face while slowly letting go of the rope. The going was slow, but as I neared the ground everything started to go smooth as I know that I would soon be relieved from the strain of having to muster up courage everytime I propelled myself against that cliff face.
The wall my friends were climbing was not as hard as the cliff face. The grips were large and quite comfortable. As I sat there, I knew that I could scale that wall. Fear, however, lurked behind my mind and teased. It reared its ugly face at me and it scared me.
For some strange reason, however, it excited me as well.
Many things happened during that journey to nature 8 years ago (the stories can make one long entry, something that I'm not keen on doing at the moment but will probably do so in the future). My personal fear visitted many times during that journey. It would probably too far-fetched to say that the journey completely changed who I was, but I did learn a lot of things about myself. I saw the dark side of me then (and was not proud of it, knowing that I could have been better). I also learn that fear is air with my face on it. But I believe that the most important thing I learned during the journey was that it created in me a heightened sense of respect towards nature in all its beauty and dangers. There's never a moment in my life when I look at the mountains and not think about whether or not I could make it again. The journey. There's never a moment in my life when I look at nature and did not feel an ever-growing respect towards it.
Maybe I did change.
In any case, this old friend visitted me again, and I felt its challenge. I vowed to myself to face it and get it over with the next weekend.
And get it over with I did.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
True Legend

I Am Legend
I must say that I have to thank the movie 'I Am Legend' because it led me to the realization that a brilliant novel with the same title (on which this movie is very loosely based) exists. If you read my review on the movie then you'd know that it's about the (supposedly) last man alive named Robert Neville, about an unknown disease, and about living alone while trying to survive madness in the world and madness in the mind.
Might as well mention about the difference of madness between Doc and Reddie. Well, at this point it's probably obvious that Reddie's madness is of a more menacing scale compared to Doc's. Reddie's all alone almost throughout the story while Doc's got Sam for most of the part. Reddie's gotta cope with voices inside his head (most likely his own conscience) while Doc can take it out at the dog. And can you imagine the desperation of being alone when even the thought of having sex with lady vampires sounds tempting? Yep, Reddie's like that. No human interaction whatsoever. And Reddie ain't no smartie. Circumstances lead him to 'research' ('trial and error' would probably be a better term of what he's trying to do). Can you imagine the frustration of a person trying to study academic stuff when for most of his life he's not used to such a thing? Even I was banging my head the first time I tried understanding chemistry.
Well, before I wrote the whole book here, let me just say that in the end, Doc's become a legend among the living, while Reddie's become a legend among the dead. I'd say both version (the book and the movie) kick ass in their own ways. Go read the book for something more (due to lack of a better word) raw. If you're a sci-fi/horror fans, you won't be disappointed. Such a short book, but packs a whole lot of punch.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It Ain't Fun Gettin' Jiggy Wi' It Alone, eh, Mr. Smith?

Alright, this is what the story's all about: a black man being chased around by a pack of Neo Nazis. Okay, okay, I was just kidding. After all, that's what the 'monsters' all look like: pale, bald, with manic look in their eyes. Add to that the fact that Robert Neville (Will Smith) is an african-american.
Very well, let's get to the proper introduction of the story. It was 2012 and humankind has been afflicted with a disease caused by a virus that was originally created for the purpose of curing cancer. People who are infected by this once hailed virus become aggressive, blood thirsty monster who could not survive the daylight. Dr. Robert Neville, a military doctor, was one (if not the only) person that survived the affliction due to him being immune to the virus. Accompanied only by a german shepherd named Sam, Neville hunts for food during the day and continues his research in trying to find the cure to the virus. When the night falls, he seeks the comfort and safety of his house, carefully and methodically erasing any trails he left behind so that the 'dark seekers' would not be able to follow him home.
Living alone with only a dog as a companion can take a heavy toll on human psyche, and this is one of the aspect of the story that the movie is trying to put forth. I approach this aspect of the movie with mixed feelings. It must be noted that the movie is based on the book by the same title written by one Richard Matheson (Stephen King once said I Am Legend is one of his many inspirations). However, by the time I write this review I have just finished reading it. Regardless, I will write the review under the guise that I have no knowledge whatsoever about the book's story. Moving on, as I've said before, I have mixed feelings about Smith's portrayal of a man who is losing his mind slowly due to a severe lack of human interaction. At some point, it is believable. Yet at some parts during the course of the movie, his performance is not convincing, or maybe even slightly off the mark.
The bright side is, convincing or no, this is Will Smith, and his performance has always been entertaining. His on-screen persona always has a certain appeal. Moreover, this is the kind of movie that was made to entertain and not to bore. In this regard, it delivers successfully. After all, a blockbuster movie is meant to sell and make profit, and if it becomes too serious people in general will probably stay away from it. Aside from the actor's performance, the plot suffered the same problem. In trying not to give too much away, let's just say that at times, it is believable and yet at some points it is not convincing.
Regardless of such short comings, the plot, the storyline, the special effects (isn't it fun driving like a mad man in an empty New York City, a place that is known for its unbearable traffic), all worked wonderfully in delivering Entertainment (yes, it's Entertainment, with capital 'E'). It's Hollywood all the way through, baby.
Go watch this movie and Entertain yourself. You won't be disappointed, as long as you have not read the book yet. For those who have, I can only say to approach this movie looking at it as a movie that happens to have the same title as the book, the same main character's name, the same theme, but a completely different storyline and an ending that is almost 180 degree different. Loosen up a bit and you will enjoy this movie. I did.
p. s. I will be making a review about the book later on and there's where the fun begins. For those who haven't seen the movie don't read the book's review because I am going to spoil EVERYTHING. HUAHAHAHAHA